Thursday, November 27, 2008

Assessment tool # 5

This is the KWL chart. I use the KWL chart to assess what students know and what they have learned about animals. This is a very good assessment tool and we use it every Tuesday.

Behavior management Strategy # 1

This is my 5 minutes time-out behavior management strategy. I apply it when students are breaking the rules. After the time out, I explain to them why they're in timeout. This is a very good behavior management strategy. It can improve the good behaviors and eliminate (decrease) the bad behaviors of students.

Math Game And Puzzle Activity

This is a math game and a puzzle activity. In this activity, students have to separate into two even group and each student has to pick a number. After they pick their numbers, students will wait for the bell to ring and when it rings,they open their number and look for their partner. For example, a student has a number 6, he or she has to look for another student that has 6 dots. This activity helps students to learn about numbers and their values. As I was teaching, I noticed that many students have difficulties recognizing the numbers. My goal for them is to master the numbers from 0 to 20 in this school year.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Morning Activity

This is my student teaching morning activity. Every morning, the students will take turns to be the leader of the morning activity. He or she will tell all the students to stand up and recite our peacebuilder pledge, monthly poems, daily poems and the calendar activity. After that, students will review our rules. Sometimes, I have students role play the classroom rules.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Alphabet book activities

This is my alphabet book activity. Each letter that they learn, they have to make their own alphabet book. In the book, student will color the pictures and decorate their book. After that, I will read the book with them together. From the practice reading, students will review their alphabets and learn new vocabularies. Also, students will learn how to point the words and turn the pages while they read. Students will bring their alphabet book home to read to their parents. This activity is not only fun, but also provides opportunities for students to learn how to read. I love this activity. My goal is to help my students learn how to read.

Share And Slide activity

This activity is called "The share and slide activity". In this activity, students have to line up into two groups and each student has to share their weekend story with their partners. When times up, one of the students will slide to another position and share their stories to their new partner. This activity will help students in communication.

PowerPoint Presentation

This my PowerPoint presentation. I use PowerPoint to introduce and review the alphabets, and all the alphabet animals. This is a fun activity and students loved it. The PowerPoint presentation sparks students interest in learning the alphabets and the characteristics of the animals. I do PowerPoint presentations every Friday.

living and non living thing activity

This is our hands on learning activity. This activity is about living and non-living activity. In this activity, first I needed to prepared the living and non-living materials. Second, I have to explain to the students, what is the meaning of living and non-living things are. Third, I needed to show them how to sort, the living and -non living things. At last, I have to show them how to paste the living and non- living things on a different construction papers. This activity is challenging students to learn more about the basic concepts living and none living things. Furthermore, Student learned that living things have lives and they need water, energy, food, and air.

Shred, Paste and puppet Activity

This is the shred, paste and puppet activity. Every week, we introduce new alphabets and its animals. Every Monday, students will shred and paste the alphabet on a construction paper. On Tuesday, students will cut, paste and make animal puppet . This hands-on activity is interesting to the students. It helps them learn how to write and they learn their alphabets too. They also learn the characteristics of the animals.

Nyala Puppet activity

This is the letter "N" for Nyala puppet activity. In this activity, I introduce the animals, then I use the KWL chart to help the students learn about the facts about this animal. After that, students will cut the construction paper and make their puppet.

K W L Chart teaching strategy

This is our KWL chart graphic organizer activity. I use the KWL chart to help students learn about the characteristics of each animal. "K" stands what we know about the animal. "W" stands for what we want to know about the animal. "L" stands for What we have learned about the animal. This activity helps the students organize what they have learned about the animal. We use KWL chart every Tuesday.

The D.I. and Language for Learning Activities

These are the morning activities. Every morning,I have to pick a student helper to come up and do the calendar activity. After that, I send them to the carpet to do the language learning and the D.I .activity. This activity helps students learn vocabularies and words that they have not learned before. The D.I. helps them learn how to pronounce words and read them.

behavior management tools # 2

I use stickers to manage the students' behavior. This technique is good because it makes the students behave and learn about what they need to learn.I'm sure that they like the stickers!

assesment tool #4

This assessment tool is used to assess students for the alphabet and the sounds. I use this to assess students on what they've learned on their alphabets and sounds of it.For example, this week ,we've learned about the letter "N", I use this for them to draw a picture, with the beginning sounds of letter N,and then they write their name, date, and the capital and lower case letter of the alphabet.

Assessment tool # 6

This is assessment tool is used to assess students to write the capital and lower case of the letter Nn. This will help them remember the letter Nn.

Behavior Management Startegy # 3

This is our student self-assessment tool. This tool is used to help students manage their own behavior. In the end of the day, students have to assess themselves by selecting the three faces. If they behave on that day, they will color themselves happy face. If they do not behave at all , they have to color the sad face. This is a good self assessment tool, because the student will learn to manage their own behavior, by themselves.

Math Learning Center

This is our math learning center. This math center helps students develop their mathematic skills. Students will use linking blocks to build patterns,make shapes, and they will see different colors and others. In this center we also have a 100 number chart,and geometric shapes.

Puzzle Center

This is our puzzle learning center. This puzzle center will help student develop their mental thinking skills and problem solving skills.These puzzles are also fun to use.

Block Center

This is our block center. This center helps them build up their mental skills and develop construction and geometry skills. The students enjoy this activity.

Science Center

This is our science learning center. This science learning center helps students learn about the the basic concepts of our bodies, measurement, plants ,and animals.

Listening and computer Center

We have listening centers for students to practice their listening skills. Students love to practice their alphabet songs and play the games in the listening center. The computer center helps students develop their sorting, matching ,and basic computer skills.

Computer Center

This is the computer center which helps the students with their alphabets, numbers and other learning practice.They enjoy using the computer.

Video and PowerPonit Technologies

These are the PowerPoint and video teaching strategies. I use PowerPoint to introduce and review the alphabets and the characteristics of all the animals. This video helps students learn about science and social studies.

Monday, November 24, 2008

whole class role playing

This is a whole class role play, share and slide. This activity helps the students to share their thoughts and express their feelings. This activity helps students build their communication skills.

Student reteach on place value

In this activity, first I explain the concept of place value, then the students will do it themselves. So,first I explain the concept of place value and then after that, they help themselves with it.

Teaching strategy # 7 Indiviual Practice

This activity helps students be an in dependant learner. Being an independent learner is important.

Technologies 4 & 5

This a PowerPoint, we use video technology. I show PowerPoint to students to review on whatever they learned. I use videos so that students can learn about social studies and science.